Kamis, 27 Mei 2010

Naik Kereta Api

Naik kereta api
Tut, tut, tut
Siapa hendak turut?

Ke Bandung, Surabaya
Bolehlah naik dengan percuma
Ayo kawanku lekas naik
K'retaku tak b'rhenti lama

ぶんぶんぶん | Buzz, Buzz, Buzz



In English:

Buzz, buzz, buzz
That's what each one does
Bees are working many hours
Making honey from the flowers

Buzz, buzz, buzz
That's what each one does

London Bridge is Falling Down

London bridge is falling down
Falling down, falling down
London bridge is falling down
My fair lady

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are

Burung Kutilang

Di pucuk pohon cempaka
Burung kutilang berbunyi
Bersiul-siul sepanjang hari
Dengan tak jemu-jemu

Mengangguk-angguk sambil berseru
Trilili, lililililili...

Sambil berloncat-loncatan
Paruhnya s'lalu terbuka
Digeleng-gelengkan kepalanya
Menentang langit biru

Tandanya suka, ia berseru
Trilili, lililililili...

Naik, Naik ke Puncak Gunung

* Naik, naik ke puncak gunung
Tinggi, tinggi sekali
(Ulangi *)

+ Kiri, kanan kulihat saja
Banyak pohon cemara
(Ulangi +)

Burung Kakatua

Burung kakatua
Hinggap di jendela
Nenek sudah tua
Giginya tinggal dua

* Tek-dung, tek-dung
Tek-dung, la la la
(Ulangi * 2x lagi)

Burung kakatua...

Matahari Terbenam

Matahari terbenam
Hari mulai malam
Terdengar burung hantu
Suaranya merdu

* Kuk-kuu, kuk-kuu
Kuk-kuu, kuk-ku, kuk-ku

(Ulangi *)

Topi Saya Bundar

Topi saya bundar
Bundar topi saya
Kalau tidak bundar
Bukan topi saya

I Have Two Hands

I have two hands
The right and the left
Hold them up high
So clean and bright

Clap them softly
One, two, three
Clean little hands are good to see

If All of the Raindrops

If all of the raindrops
Were lemondrops and gumdrops
Oh what a rain it would be!

I'll stand outside with my mouth open wide
A, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a...
Oh what a rain it would be!

(Change "lemondrops" and "gumdrops" with any other delicious food you like!)

Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

Old MacDonald Had A Farm

Old MacDonald had a farm
And on his farm he had a cow

With a moo-moo here, a moo-moo there
Here a moo, there a moo
Everywhere a moo-moo

Old MacDonald had a farm

(Change "cow" and "moo" with: "duck" and "kwack", and so on.)

Cicak, Cicak di Dinding

Cicak, cicak di dinding
Diam-diam merayap
Datang seekor nyamuk
Lalu ditangkap